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Cat & Mouse
Students sit around the parachute and shake it while “mice” crawl under and try to hide. The “cat” crawls on top of the parachute and tries to catch the mouse. 

Parachute Games

Mushroom House
students hold the edge of parachute, bring to ground then quickly lift and step in, tuck parachute under bum and sit inside. 
Have 2-3 students sit in the middle of the parachute back to back. All students grab outside edge and slowly start walking in a circle to wrap students in the middle up with the parachute. When wound up fully all the students will pull the parachute outwards and students in the middle will spin out. 
Half the class holds onto the parachute and the other half are off. Throw balls onto the parachute, team holding the parachute tries to knock off the balls by waving the parachute, the second team tries to retrieve balls that are thrown off the parachute. 
Sharks and Lifeguards
Class sits on the ground shaking the parachute. Two students are selected to be sharks who crawl under the parachute and try to pull other students in. Two students are selected to be lifeguards and they try to “save” the students in the circle by pulling them up when a shark tries to pull them under. If a student is pulled under the parachute they also become a shark. 
Fruit Basket
All students hold a color in the parachute and teacher yells out a fruit (ie. kiwi = green). Students on the fruit color have to run under the parachute while other students lift the parachute in the air similar to "Mushroom House"

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors Basket 

  • Set up hula hoops in a circle with one less than people playing. Everyone stands in a hoop and the “it” person stands in the middle. Everyone plays Rock-Paper-Scissors and anyone who loses to the person who is "it" must run to a new hula hoop (cannot be a hoop directly beside them), before the “it” person takes their hoop. The leftover player becomes the new “it”. 

Rock Paper Scissors Relay                     

  • The gym is split in half with two teams, each team splits into groups of 3-4. On the “go” the first person in line from each group runs towards the opposite team’s group. When they meet the players play Rock-Paper-Scissors, the winner gets to run forwards trying to get to the other team’s goal line while the next player in the losing group has to run towards the other team’s player to stop them from reaching the goal line.

  • Continue this cycle until a team has accumulated 5 points. A point is scored when a player runs past the goal line of the opposing team. Once a point is scored you restart from the beginning

Hoop Hop

  • Set up a line of hula hoops with two teams at each end in a single file line. The front two people hop in each hoop until they come face to face, then play rock paper scissors.  

  • The winner advances forward hopping in he hula hoops and the next person from the losing team begins hopping immediately. The loser of the rock paper scissors hops out of the hula hoops and sprints to the back of their team's line. Continue facing off until one member reaches the end of the line and receives one point and starts a new round. 

Games that don't need equipment 

Popcorn Tag
Students hop around the gym in a little ball as kernels. The student who is selected as "it " pops up first and continues to hop around the gym trying to pop the other students. 
Blob Tag 
Traditional tag but when the student who is it tags a student they must join hands and a chain is created. 
Human Knot
Students go in a circle facing each each other. They must grab the hand of someone who is not directly beside them. Ensure that everyone is holding hands. Students must try to utangle themselves to open up the circle fully. 
Poison Frog
Students squat (like a frog) in a circle facing one another. The teacher anonymously selects one student to be the poison frog. when the poison frog makes eye contact with another student they stick their tongue out and kill the other frog. When killed the students must make a dramatic scene. One student selected as the detective attempt to guess who the poison frog is. 
Switch Tag 
Students are put in teams of 2, one tagging team and one running. When the teacher yells "switch" the teams switch roles (tagging -> running). When a student is tagged they must make a table with their body and can be let back into the game when a student either jumps over the table or crawls under. 

Imagination Games

  • In teams of 4 each animal family gets a hula hoop as their "home". In the centre of the gym have a pile of bean bags, dot markers, rings, and juggling scarves.
  • Assign each group an animal and demonstrate their proper "animal" travel movement. One player at a time travels to the food lot and brings one back to their home, then the next player goes.
  • This game can be played until a team obtains a pre set number goal, to a time, or until all the food is taken from the middle. 
Monster & Bed 
  • Make the centre of the gym the players' "bed". Players begin lying down pretending to be sleeping, when "monster" is yelled out, the players must run away from the bed from the monster. When "bed" is yelled out, the players must run back to their bed and "sleep". 
  • Call out different styles of movement
    • Monster has your legs so you have to crawl away
    • Everybody is sleeping so you have to tip toe away
    • You have a blanket around your legs so you have to hop back into bed
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